M3: Monkey Mind Madness – a Play

At 3:00 p.m. on Thursday April 20, 2023 the Works in Progress group of the San Diego Independent Scholars (SDIS) will feature a manuscript by Jaime A. Pineda and reactions by Julia Stroud.

Jaime will first describe his new book out in July Controlling Mental Chaos: Harnessing the Power of the Creative Mind (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023). He is now working on a play related to that book and would like suggestions concerning the play’s current draft (M3: Monkey Mind Madness, attached).

In Julia’s part of the session, she will use Jaime’s play as an example of her approach as a “book doctor,” especially noting whether each character’s personality and reactions make sense to her as a psychotherapist.

Suggestions from the rest of us would also be greatly appreciated (send emails to jpineda@ucsd.edu). Since the play has an unusual, imaginative approach that Jaime says he is still polishing, our comments can be based on our experiences as readers and playgoers, not necessarily on details of the text.

We hope that you will attend to discuss this fascinating idea.

The Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89265133831?pwd=YTFteGpPd3ZnT2hrOENaTExONGRWdz09