The Present

At times these past few years
The Light has seemed to fade,
And space for sadness made.
Enticing madness to appear.

We yearn for normal times.
Our cries reflect the torment
Unheeded for the moment
In our restless, rhythmic rhymes.

Yet hope remains a steady fire
Melting through the yoke,
The burdens that we spoke,
And strength behind desires.

Setting wounded mind aside,
We encounter That which never left,
Reminder of a noble guest,
Who calmly takes the world in stride.

There is now a deeper sense
For we know it’s not a ploy.
Our heart sings for joy,
As we focus on the Present.

Fear fades while joy and goodness grow.
And intimate connections made,
Providing us the shade
Of peace that deep inside we know.

I wish for you this unique present
On this happy Christmas morn:
A joyous heart that’s born
Of life’s eternal Present.