Why I Became a Mindfulness Teacher

Photo by JA Pineda

Curiosity has been a defining trait since I was a child and led me to a career in academia. With a neuroscience PhD in hand, I threw myself into the study of the human brain-mind starting in 1989 for the next 30 years. I felt drawn to study attention, social cognition, and several clinical conditions arising from deficits in these aspects of the mind. The intellectual highs and lows combined with the rewards and punishments of research and teaching graduate and undergraduate students. Periods of elation and joy intermingled easily with periods of anxiety, fear, and lack of confidence.

Research was difficult. Yet, it also made me lighthearted and excited, like an explorer in a strange world scrutinizing the landscape to gain insights. Likewise, nothing compared to the frustration and satisfaction of teaching, especially when the light of understanding fell on a student’s face after wresting with a difficult topic. All these feelings associated with exploration of the unknown motivated me to pursue an equally long, difficult, and eventually satisfying contemplative practice. This spiritual path came to complement and enrich the scientific understanding I had of brain-mind relationships.

After many years of solo meditation practice and frustrating attempts to pierce the “cloud of unknowing,” as some mystics have described it, I felt ready for a teacher. Joko Beck, a modern-day Zen master, was an unexpected blessing. She instructed me for four years and gave me two major pieces of advice I took to heart. The first is that life is the best teacher, so don’t waste the opportunity. Second, she recognized the small inner fire burning in my heart, and encouraged me to turn it into a roaring fire. It took many years before those things gained reality.

Status of Publicity Campaign

I would like to update you on the success of the publicity campaign for my new book (Controlling Mental Chaos: Harnessing the Power of the Creative Mind, Rowman & Littlefield, 2023). I have been quite busy doing interviews and disseminating the ideas through blog posts in widely-read websites.

While all of this is wonderful, I am really interested in further promoting the ideas expressed since they are timely, given our unending mental confusion and the current state of the world. To that end, I would like to ask you a big favor. Would you help me promote these ideas by forwarding at least one of these articles to family, friends, or others in your social group?

It is the holiday season so this can be a thoughtful gift and may be helpful to someone in the grips of mental chaos.

My deep appreciation for your help.

May you have a wonderful season and may your mind run between wisdom and love.

  • Spiritual Media Blog

 Interview with Jaime Pineda

  • Del Mar Times (Solana Beach Sun)

From Anxiety to Creativity

  • The Good Men Project

Mindfulness and Meaning: How I Found My True Identity

  • The Art of Healthy Living

Mindfulness and Creativity: 5 Ways to Practice the Art of Living Well

Touching Stillness and Responding Creatively

I am attaching Chapter 1 of my new book, The Good Monkey Mind, so that you can respond creatively and provide whatever feedback you deem appropriate.

I truly appreciate it.

In a previous commentary, I encouraged everyone to practice stillness during this new year and assured you that touching such stillness, even for the briefest moment, would help you gain a feeling of contentment. It would also likely lead you to want to continue practicing. Today, I want to describe how touching stillness affected me in a positive and creative way.

Stillness is the attitude I adopted that “life is perfect as it is” or more prosaically that “life is what it is.” Not perfect in an ideal or Platonic sense, but as the only outcome out of a set of possibilities given the history and circumstances of each moment. I accept this reality in a willing, loving manner, and doing so from moment to moment gives way to a stillness of mind. Accepting the reality of the moment does not mean I am resigned to what life brings. The mystery is that within this acceptance lies the enormous creativity of the universe to engage and provide solutions that lead to wise change.

Like any skill, practicing mind stillness requires effort. This means keeping the “perfection of life” top of mind, especially when negative things occur. As I continued the effort, it became less conscious and more automatic – until the openness and acceptance remained without conceptual mentation. One of the first things I noticed as my practice grew was how less emotionally reactive I became to the surrounding turmoil. My emotions did not disappear or become muted—I actually felt more. The difference consisted in my response to those feelings. I did not immediately become anxious, fearful, or lash out in anger. I had the space and time to consider the unfairness or sadness of the circumstances, to feel them, but then consider how I could do something about it.

More than anything, the practice of stillness produced a joy that was totally unexpected. This joy is a fullness, closer to contentment than to happiness, even as the world seems to be more and more chaotic. Again, it isn’t a defeatist or resigned attitude but a perspective that says, “ok, this is how it is, now, what can I do about it?” This viewpoint leads me to not only follow the masking and distancing recommendations but also to volunteer to take part in the Moderna vaccine trials or be a volunteer to vaccinate people. The outcome of the vaccine trials has proven it was the correct decision. Hence, the more I practice stillness, the stronger my confidence grows about the intuitions that arise, and the more faith I place on those intuitions. It is a positive feedforward, self-fulfilling, and satisfying process.

I have asked myself about this “faith,” which has echoes of an early religious upbringing. It is a kind of faith my skepticism as a neuroscientist had displaced. My increased openness to it is something that developed as I continued my stillness practice. I struggle with it, in the sense that I  resist it, something I relate in my autobiography, Piercing the Cloud. In the end, however, I see using the scientific method and intuition as complementary strategies to know and engage the world. Both are powerful yet distinct ways to approach and know truth. At our best, our brain-mind accommodates and uses both strategies to respond to life creatively.